Wiki Reviews Secret Origins. Ben Graw and Garth Remington embark on a journey to start a successful podcast that reviews Wikipedia pages.
Ben and Graw review the Wikipedia page for Ice cream. Everyone get your squrounds. What course is the ocean? What side are you on Frogut or Fro-yo or Frock? Either way frozen custard is weird. Gelato the crape of ice cream. The government division that looks over ice cream and if you don’t have milk/cream and sugar you are a frozen dairy desert. Ice cream can be had with all meals and bacon. L&P New Zealand’s famous drink. Barry Mckenzie and Fosters. A bandicoot is not a bilby. Has anyone really seen an ice cream boat? Celebrity jellybeans and the Big Good Esky. Bubble-O-Billy is awesome.
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Theme: I Live For The Bass Drum – DJ S3rl
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