
26 – 2017

December 31, 2017 -
26 – 2017

Happy new year from Ben and Garth as they review the page for 2017. This year wasn’t great let’s ditch and go to space with Musky. Where is Yemen and how do you say Caribbean? Heil Chaplin we are having Brexit cereal for briner. How s3rl transformed his career. New Zealand Vampires it’s not called ‘From the Shadows’ it’s called ‘What We Do in the Shadows’. Humour doors year, NASA dump, deer hunt essentials, who made what pancake. Intervention for Kim Jong-Un, remakes and sequels. Garth is a Michael Buble and Kevin Hart fan and the Graw’s horrifying Christmas.

I Live For The Bass Drum S3rl


6th January – 8PM – The Coronation Hotel

Ashwin Segkar, Hayden Foote, Stevn Hollamby & Doony

Hosted by Jasmine Fairbairn

Address254 Brisbane St, West Ipswich QLD 4305

Facebook: Comedy at the Coronation Hotel

Phone(07) 3281 4470