Comdey at The Coronation Hotel, 4th November CLICK to see event on Facebook.
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for List of common misconceptions. Microwaves and who can you see from space? I will drink out of the skull of my vanquished enemy at you and your cousins wedding. Ben’s memory is like Garths work ethic. Prolonged torture, Cyanide and Happiness and wage cages. Twinkies vs Milk, ahh Huston’s problem, eject CD-ROM. Is it circle or a ballerina and how long ago was the black/blue white/gold dress thing? Celebrities who support dumb things, wireless yoyos and hover boards. No more visual gags we are hyper on sugar and weird fruit needed to go Super Dooper Wooper Saiyan. Eat at Wiki Review Burger and Change For Chips (I don’t know how to do the copyright thing so just pretend it is there).
I Live For The Bass Drum S3rl