Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Creationism. This is not a religious topic it’s about science both pseudo and the type the turtles do. Is the earth 4.543 billion or 10 000 or trillions of years old? Meet Felicity Garth’s Jehovah’s Witness wife. What is Nelson rating? John Edwards does the medium to quote Bill Hicks. FBI raid $8.3 billion in album covers. Noah’s Ark 9411.9m2. This is the thing in the show notes about the thing they are doing right now if you are at 51:56. Ray Comfortable, not coke can banana, Rays of Comfort, Matrix, Terminator, Bed Knobs and Broom Sticks, red bird suck and other stuff there is no room to type.
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Theme: I Live For The Bass Drum – DJ S3rl