
Tag Archives: Garth Remington

45 – Self-driving car
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Self-driving car. The search for a bus. Uber ratings and a Bic ad that shouldn’t be. Don’t tell the Amish about [...]
44 – Alien abduction entities
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Alien abduction entities. Will Ben confess to being an alien? Why is Garths sound effect getting longer? Don’t [...]
43 – Stereotypes of animals
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Stereotypes of animals. Imagine being a penguin at the zoo. Andrew Garfield is a funny cat, Blofeld's cat is [...]
42 – Batman
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Batman. On location in Gotham City yo find out what the first 26 Detective Comics were about. What is more [...]
41 – Piracy
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Piracy. The ship kind not the disk kind so come aboard the Aquatic Thief we will steal the row boat out back. [...]
40 – Gun control
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Gun control. Gun rules in Australia, Canada, America and the other counties. Being held hostage and holding [...]
39 – Astrological sign
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Astrological sign. Since the boys get side tracked with Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter here are your [...]
38 – Will Smith
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Will Smith. “Oh hell no”. Sorry Phill you are no Will and neither is Ice Cube. Martin Laurence was funny till [...]
37 – Creationism
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Creationism. This is not a religious topic it’s about science both pseudo and the type the turtles do. Is the [...]
36 – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia Page for Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. DON’T PANIC Ben and Garth actually read the book for this book report. Bable [...]