Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Alien abduction entities. Will Ben confess to being an alien? Why is Garths sound effect getting longer? Don’t [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Stereotypes of animals. Imagine being a penguin at the zoo. Andrew Garfield is a funny cat, Blofeld's cat is [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Batman. On location in Gotham City yo find out what the first 26 Detective Comics were about. What is more [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Piracy. The ship kind not the disk kind so come aboard the Aquatic Thief we will steal the row boat out back. [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Gun control. Gun rules in Australia, Canada, America and the other counties. Being held hostage and holding [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Astrological sign. Since the boys get side tracked with Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter here are your [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Creationism. This is not a religious topic it’s about science both pseudo and the type the turtles do. Is the [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia Page for Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. DON’T PANIC Ben and Garth actually read the book for this book report. Bable [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia Page for Donald Trump. Trump is one of the least versatile actors of our time but Seth MacFarlane can give him a good [...]
Ben and Garth review the Wikipedia page for Remake. RIP Lemmy, screw you T.J. Miller, Tony Montana is not real also Pip is a big star now, same voice [...]